
The humidity in the living room or basement is too high? You recently had water damage? You want to prevent mold infestation effectively? The right dehumidifier specifically ensures a healthy indoor climate, in which you feel comfortable.

Learn more about these topics here:

  1. When is a dehumidifier useful?
  2. Which dehumidifier do I need?
  3. What are the selection criteria?
  4. How do electric dehumidifiers work?
  5. Dehumidifier FAQ


Items 1 - 12 of 12

When is a dehumidifier useful?

Dehumidifiers are suitable for drying buildings after water damage: whether caused by burst pipes, floods or water ingress through the roof. If there is a threat of mold infestation in living spaces or in the basement, you can effectively counteract it with a dehumidifier. The devices also provide a remedy for problems with condensation moisture.

In summer

In the hot months, warm, humid air in the house and especially in the basement meets a cooler environment. This results in very high relative humidity in the rooms, which often leads to condensation on the walls or furniture: a good breeding ground for mold.

In winter

Modern houses with heavy insulation are particularly prone to the formation of condensation moisture in living spaces if the ventilation concept is not sufficiently dimensioned and the air exchange is too low. You can combat this efficiently with a dehumidifier.

The optimal humidity

Optimal humidity is when you feel the air is comfortable and at the same time mold cannot develop. This strongly depends on the room temperature. The cooler the room, the higher the ideal humidity. At 5 - 15° C it is around 55 - 65 %. In warm rooms above 25° C, around 40 - 45 % is sufficient. For a normal room temperature of around 20° C, humidity between 40 - 55 % is perfect.

Which dehumidifier do I need?

If you want to buy a dehumidifier, it is important to determine the nature of the problem: Depending on the cause of the moisture, different devices can be considered. Are you struggling with water damage such as a burst pipe, water seepage through the roof, flooding or rising damp in the basement due to a lack of waterproofing? Or are you dealing with fogged windows or mold infestation? You can find an overview of our equipment and the application scenarios here:
Application area Demecto 10 Demecto 70 LTR 100 Neo BTR 50


 +++ very well suited
 ++   well suited
 +     suitable
 -      Not suitable

Living and bedroom +++ + +++ 0
Basement ++ +++ ++ +++
 Winter garden + +++ +++ ++
 Garage + +++ + +++
Building drying in new construction + ++ + +++
 Drying after water damage + +++ + +++
 for mold infestation +++ +++ ++ +++

Our top categories

Your dehumidifier should always meet the desired requirements. For example, it is clear that a construction dryer is unsuitable for dehumidifying the bedroom. Comedes dehumidifiers are designed for different applications and therefore have different strengths and weaknesses. On our category pages you will find useful information on the individual areas of application as well as suitable product recommendations:

What selection criteria should be considered when buying?

Bild die Leistung

1. the power

The power of the dehumidifier is strongly dependent on the ambient temperature: at high temperatures under the roof, you can use a smaller device than in a cold basement. Basically, it can be said that the lower the room temperature, the more power you need. If it is too cold, i.e. below 15° C, it is recommended to heat during the dehumidification process to improve the dehumidification efficiency.

Bild die Raumgroesse

2. the size of the room

For large rooms, in addition to the dehumidification performance, the air performance of the dehumidifier is also relevant, so that the air in the room is well circulated. This is ensured by compressor-driven condensation dryers, which you can also find in our store. In case of moisture damage, fans provide additional support.

Bild das fassungsvermoegen

3. the capacity

If you want to buy a dehumidifier, you should make sure that the tank for collecting the extracted water has a sufficiently large capacity. If you are only concerned with a low level of humidity compensation, a smaller tank is usually sufficient. However, in the event that there is high humidity and the device is to operate continuously during the day, a larger volume is advantageous. This way, you can ensure that the tank is not full after a few hours and the air dryer can run unattended for longer periods of time. If the capacity is still not sufficient, a condensate pump is an alternative.

4. the equipment

Defrost function

Automatic defrosting is essential for the condenser dryer. There are two types: the hot gas defrost and the temperature controlled automatic defrost. With the defrost function, the evaporator of the dehumidifier does not freeze and the water can drain into the tank. If there is a defect in the temperature sensor, we have suitable dehumidifier spare parts ready.

Humidity meter

Digital humidity meters can usually be controlled via the touchpad. Thus, the device in automatic mode maintains a certain humidity (so-called hygrostate). If you want to determine the humidity separately - for example in archives, museums, warehouses or laboratories - you will find humidity meters with data collection function at Comedes.

Mold prevention automatic

Some dehumidifiers are now equipped with an intelligent control system. In automatic mode, the devices independently control the optimum air humidity and are oriented to the respective room temperature.

Air filter against dust

In order for you to enjoy your dehumidifier for a long time, it should have an integrated air filter. The filter is similar in design to the lint filter in a clothes dryer and ensures that the cooling coil in the device does not collect dust and thus maintains its efficiency. Therefore, make sure to clean the air filter at regular intervals.

Adjustable fan speeds

In certain applications, it can be helpful to be able to manually adjust the fan speed of the dehumidifier. To dehumidify at cool temperatures, it is recommended to select a low fan speed. In contrast, when temperatures are high and humidity is elevated, you should increase the fan level.

Equipment Demecto 10 Demecto 70 LTR 100 Neo BTR 50
 Automatic defrost Yes Yes Yes Yes
 Hygrometer Yes Yes Yes Yes
 Air filter against dust Yes Yes Yes Yes
 Adjustable fan speeds Yes Yes No No
 Adjustable fan speeds Yes Yes Yes No
 Other features Rollers Rollers, hose connection, compressor type: stroke, memory function/operation with timer possible Rollers, hose connection, compressor type: red, memory function/operation with timer possible Rollers, hose connection incl. supplied hose, compressor type: stroke, memory function/operation with timer possible, adjustable air outlet, temperature indication in display Castors, hose connection incl. supplied hose, compressor type: red, tilting roller handle, cable rewind, temperature indicator in display

How do electric dehumidifiers work?

There are essentially three types of electric dehumidifiers: condensation dryers with compressor technology, condensation dryers with Peltier technology and adsorption dryers. Compressor-operated devices as well as Peltier-operated devices both work according to the physical principle of condensation, while adsorption dryers, on the other hand, dry the air via chemical, hygroscopic effects. In the home, the compressor-driven condensation dryers are most often used, as they combine numerous advantages. Below we have compared the different types of dehumidifiers for you:

Compressor-driven condensation dryers

There is a refrigeration circuit in the unit which cools the air down. The temperature falls below the dew point. The water condenses on the evaporator and drains into the tank. The air then flows through into the condenser and is heated again. As a rule, the discharged air is thus 0.5 - 1.5° C warmer than the intake air.


  • high performance
  • easy to handle
  • Low power consumption per kilogram of condensate
  •  durable


  • Restrictions in very cold ambient conditions

Peltier dehumidifier

The Peltier dehumidifier works similarly to the condensation dryer. However, the refrigerating machine is replaced by one or more Peltier elements. The Peltier element is an electrothermal transducer. Due to the semiconductors used, one side heats up and the other cools down. The cold side is used for condensation, the warm side must be cooled.


  • Cheap to purchase
  • space-saving, compact dimensions possible


  • Low efficiency & low power
  • High power consumption per kilogram of condensate
  • short service life of the Peltier elements

Adsorption dryer

In an adsorption dryer, air is blown over a disc coated with metal silicate. This rotates in countercurrent so that the water dissolves and the metal silicate dries. The hot "wet air" is usually discharged to the outside air; alternatively, it can be condensed and discharged to a tank.


  • very low humidity possible
  • Can be used independently of the room temperature


  • Costly to purchase
  • High power consumption
  • for high dehumidification capacities the devices are very large

Excursus: Granular dehumidifiers

These special dehumidifiers make use of the hygroscopic properties of salts. The salt granules bind the moisture in the air. However, this happens over a long period of time. Granular dehumidifiers can be used to keep cabinets dry or as a supportive measure. For other purposes, however, electric dehumidifiers are clearly superior in terms of functionality and operating costs incurred.

Dehumidifier FAQ

1. what is the minimum humidity that the air dehumidifier can reach?

At 20° C room temperature, the dehumidifier reaches about 35% humidity. The value can also be higher, depending on the ambient conditions. At 15° C, the device reaches about 50% humidity. The LTR 100 Neo is especially suitable for keeping living spaces dry. The Demecto 70 is recommended for low temperatures.

2. Can several rooms be dehumidified simultaneously with one unit?

First, each room should be dehumidified individually in continuous operation. When the amount of water in the tank becomes less, you can move the unit to the next room. Once all rooms are dehumidified, choose a central location and switch to automatic mode at a medium setting.

3. Are Comedes dehumidifiers suitable for continuous operation?

All Comedes dehumidifiers meet the requirements of EN 60335-2-40 standard and are suitable for continuous operation.

4. What should I pay attention to when using a dehumidifier in the bathroom?

Since bathrooms are often small, the dehumidifier must not come into contact with splashing water. To regulate the humidity within two to three hours, a dehumidification capacity of 10 liters per day is usually sufficient.

5. How energy efficient is a modern dehumidifier?

On the packaging, the rated output is indicated at a usual room temperature, which is between 15°C and 25°C. This is an important purchase criterion. However, individual power consumption depends on the ambient temperature. The input power in continuous operation at about 20° C should not exceed the following values:

    10 liters → 0.2 kW/h
    20 liters → 0.4 kW/h
    30 liters → 0.5 kW/h